
Winter Ear Infections

There’s no denying it — winter has arrived and is here to stay for the foreseeable future! One of the most common cold-weather illnesses is an ear infection, which can be painful and unexpected, especially when you have snow to shovel and errands to run. While some ear infections do subside on their own, most require professional assessment and treatment to ensure full recovery. Generally, an infection should clear up within five days of adequate treatment.

What You Need to Know About Swimmers Ear

If you or your family members love to swim in the summertime, take a minute to learn some important facts about otitis externa, or Swimmer’s Ear – a painful and preventable ailment we see a whole lot of at Plymouth ENT during South Shore summers!

Ear Gauge Repair

Ear gauging – piercing the earlobe and then stretching it out to allow for larger jewelry – is an example of a trend that, like tattoos, can’t be reversed on its own. Once the opening is stretched beyond a half-inch in diameter, it will not close up without medical intervention.

Head and Neck Cancer: Symptoms and Prevention

Cancer is never a pleasant topic to consider, that’s for sure. But, when it comes to head and neck cancers, there are two encouraging factors to keep in mind: if caught early, they’re often curable, and they can be preventable with certain lifestyle changes.