
How You Can Beat Spring Allergies

At last, winter is behind us and the warm weather is on the way! However, the higher temperatures aren’t entirely cause for celebration. For some people, spring brings the worst allergy season of the whole year. In some cases, these allergies can start as early as late February and last until the end of June. In order to be equipped for the months ahead, here are some best practices to effectively cope with your seasonal allergies.

Winter Ear Infections

There’s no denying it — winter has arrived and is here to stay for the foreseeable future! One of the most common cold-weather illnesses is an ear infection, which can be painful and unexpected, especially when you have snow to shovel and errands to run. While some ear infections do subside on their own, most require professional assessment and treatment to ensure full recovery. Generally, an infection should clear up within five days of adequate treatment.