Esophageal Manometry and Heartburn

Do you suffer from chronic heartburn?  You’re not alone; more than 60 million American adults experience heartburn symptoms at least once a month, and about 25 million American adults suffer from it on a daily basis. 

Head and Neck Cancer: Symptoms and Prevention

Cancer is never a pleasant topic to consider, that’s for sure. But, when it comes to head and neck cancers, there are two encouraging factors to keep in mind: if caught early, they’re often curable, and they can be preventable with certain lifestyle changes.

Do You Know Your Allergy Triggers?

An estimated 50 million people in the US suffer from some type of allergy – that’s 1 in 5 Americans. While triggers can be highly specific to each person, they tend to fall into certain categories that many of us share

Better Sleep Starts in the Kitchen

We can go to great lengths to get that perfect night’s sleep – investing in fancy mattresses, being careful to power down the iPad hours before bedtime – but the path to better rest starts first thing in the morning, and it starts with breakfast! Your diet plays a much more crucial role in your sleep cycle than you might think.