Going on a Noise Diet

Fall’s in full swing, meaning most of us are back into our school and work routines – and reaching for the ear buds. Studies show an increasing number of us are attempting to reclaim personal space in busy offices and school environments by plugging into phones and iPads, using music and podcasts to drown out ambient noise around us and promote concentration.

How to Manage Ragweed Symptoms

The start of fall usually promises more comfortable sleeping weather. Unfortunately for many of us, the combination of cool nights and warm days also brings out the ragweed, fall’s most prominent allergy trigger. Since nearly 1 in 5 of us are affected, we thought we’d share with you some facts about ragweed and strategies for managing symptoms.

Top 6 Tips for Back to School Sleep

With many pediatric patients heading back to school this month, we’re hearing from parents who are concerned about making the transition from a carefree summer to stricter school hours – particularly when it comes to sleep habits. If you’re willing to start a few weeks early, cycling back to a regular sleep schedule can be quite doable!

What You Need to Know About Swimmers Ear

If you or your family members love to swim in the summertime, take a minute to learn some important facts about otitis externa, or Swimmer’s Ear – a painful and preventable ailment we see a whole lot of at Plymouth ENT during South Shore summers!

Allergies and Gardening Help Guide

Do you love the thought of gardening but don’t dare to because of seasonal allergies? Believe it or not, there are ways to manage allergy symptoms and still spend quality, comfortable time digging in the dirt! It all comes down to being prepared, and knowing which plants to choose and which to avoid. 

Top Tips to Arm Yourself Against Spring Allergies

After such a brutal winter with so much precipitation, this spring promises to bring a challenging allergy season to the South Shore. Regardless, we will tell our patients what we tell them every year: the first step in allergy treatment is avoidance, and avoidance is attainable no matter how tough the environment. With a little planning and practice, there are simple and doable steps anyone can take to minimize their exposure to seasonal allergens.

Three Reasons You May Need Sinus Surgery or Balloon Sinuplasty

The sinuses serve several functions. One is to decrease the weight of the skull.  Another is to help modulate your voice by providing what amounts to echo chambers. Unfortunately, these small openings above the inner portion of each eyebrow and below the inner corners of each eye can sometimes become blocked by mucus. Sinus surgery and balloon sinuplasty are minimally invasive ways to surgically repair the sinuses. It is used for a few chronic conditions.

Ear Gauge Repair

Ear gauging – piercing the earlobe and then stretching it out to allow for larger jewelry – is an example of a trend that, like tattoos, can’t be reversed on its own. Once the opening is stretched beyond a half-inch in diameter, it will not close up without medical intervention.

Esophageal Manometry and Heartburn

Do you suffer from chronic heartburn?  You’re not alone; more than 60 million American adults experience heartburn symptoms at least once a month, and about 25 million American adults suffer from it on a daily basis. 

Head and Neck Cancer: Symptoms and Prevention

Cancer is never a pleasant topic to consider, that’s for sure. But, when it comes to head and neck cancers, there are two encouraging factors to keep in mind: if caught early, they’re often curable, and they can be preventable with certain lifestyle changes.

Do You Know Your Allergy Triggers?

An estimated 50 million people in the US suffer from some type of allergy – that’s 1 in 5 Americans. While triggers can be highly specific to each person, they tend to fall into certain categories that many of us share

Better Sleep Starts in the Kitchen

We can go to great lengths to get that perfect night’s sleep – investing in fancy mattresses, being careful to power down the iPad hours before bedtime – but the path to better rest starts first thing in the morning, and it starts with breakfast! Your diet plays a much more crucial role in your sleep cycle than you might think.